WebDev Portfolio

My Second Project

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The second real project I have ever started. There's been lots of little things I've worked on and small projects I've done through Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp but this is the second one I ever freehand. The Great Google Guru was sought out and consulted many times. There were times I got frustrated and times I thought I was slickest to ever do it.

I opted to go with a "Vaporwave" type of look to the site. Ever since I first got wind of this type of "aesthetic" or genre I've been captivated by it's nostalgic colors and themes. There's just something about that I really resonate with and it just fits me. Balancing the colors and images is a pretty tricky thing to do and I am still a fledgling designer so I am sure there are things to change and improve that will endlessly tinker with.